COVID-19 Update: We are considered an essential business and are able to provide for your shredding needs. Call us at 512-464-1113 or send us an email using our Contact Us form.
Data Armor TX, LLC is committed to providing the most secure and cost effective way to protect your company from identity and information theft. In this fast paced information age we live, it has become paramount to ensure proper document destruction, security and retention. At the same time, it is important for us all to do our part in being environmentally conscious. Data Armor TX provides solutions that meet your companies document destruction and security and retention needs while protecting the environment by recycling the waste generated. Some of our available solutions to help put you i n control of your company intelligence are:
- Document Management Consulting
- Document Shredding Scheduled Service
- Document Shredding One-time Purge Service
- Off-site Document Storage Solutions
- Image and Document Scanning
- Recycling Programs
Protecting Valuable Information via Paper Shredding Austin TX
With identity theft and corporate information theft on the rise, any business or organization that fails to ensure adequate measures are in place to protect personal or confidential information in their custody face the risk that individual privacy rights may be violated and corporate business strategies compromised. In today’s business environment, document shredding has become a necessary business practice.
Privacy Compliance
Businesses and organizations are now legally required to follow rules with respect to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. They must also develop guidelines on how personal information is to be safeguarded and destroyed.
Recycling Is Not A Substitute For Document Destruction
Recycling is a paper waste issue. Document destruction is a paper security issue. Some companies are still under the mistaken belief that recycling is an adequate and acceptable alternative to document destruction. There is no fiduciary responsibility inherent in a typical office recycling program. Paper is either given away or sold, and by doing so, a company gives up the right to determine how it is to be handled.
On-site Paper Shredding Austin TX – Off-site Paper Shredding Service Austin – One Time Purge Paper Shredding Service Austin